Bringing a unique and practical approach to measuring progress and success using a model, Mark Anielski developed called Genuine Wealth. In plain language, the basis of orienting our lives towards a good life means measuring performance and progress in terms of conditions of well-being of mind, body, spirit and the natural environment.

"I help you stay focused on measuring what matters most to the well-being of households, businesses and communities."
Here are some clients I served and inspired over the past 25 years.

It was a pleasure to work with you in 2018 to assess the well-being of our tenants Capital Region Housing consistently seeks ways to better serve our tenants and help them live their best lives. Your well-being impact analysis skills helped our organization measure the well-being impacts and customer satisfaction of our affordable housing program, which serves over 9,000 Edmontonians. Well-being is now a measurable impact tied directly to our mission statement to improve the well-being of children and families in our communities though a continuum of quality housing options, supports and partnerships. Our mission continues to evolve. The valuable information gleaned from this exercise informs our programs and processes to better serve our tenants. I’m pleased to offer my unreserved support for the valuable work you do.
Greg Dewling, Former CEO Capital Region Housing Corporation (Edmonton)

Mark Anielski reminds us and shines a light on the pathway humanity is on. This book is a timely reminder of our humanity in a world on a collision course with its economic paradigm. Anielski’s work is an invitation to realign our economics with our humanity, and offers new tools and outcome measurements outcomes steeped in the nature of reality.
Carol Anne Hilton, Founder of the Indigenomics Institute and Author of Indigenomics

Mark Anielski has been a leading innovator on the cutting edge of well-being studies for three decades, and this work has been about building indicators with communities and populations, not imposing them from multi-laterals on high. His work with indigenous communities is especially rich, and as a New Zealander, I appreciate this refusal to homogenize. I have been recommending Mark’s work to people for decades, and now have another book to suggest
Dr. Marilyn Waring, Professor of Public Policy at the Institute of Public Policy, Auckland University, New Zealand

The Economics of Well Being is one powerful answer to the struggling financial world around us. It very thoughtfully and clearly identifies how our existing debt and wealth measurement systems no longer serve our communities and our ability to live together in a just and balanced society. By broadening and humanizing how we assess our well-being, we shift our attention to aspects of our life together that really matter and are really worth acting upon. This is a great book, gracefully written, founded on doable optimism.
Peter Block, Author of Flawless Consulting and The Abundant Community (with John McKnight)

Mark’s description of the Well-Being Corporation is a beacon of hope. It’s time we measured how organizations in all sectors are contributing to the five capitals that matter. Mark shows how. The book should be required reading for all CPAs who want to make a difference.
Bob Willard, Former IBM Canada Executive and Author of the Sustainability Advantage
First Nations
Well-being Assessments
Personal Soul Print
Well-being Impact
& Value Analysis
Impact Investment
& Workshops