Galven Lee is my next guest on the Economics of Well-being Podcast.

Galven is a Singaporean millennial who grew up in this ‘East meets West’, cosmopolitan, tiny and yet multicultural island city-state of contradictions. Professionally, he represents 34 telecoms companies in Asia Pacific as a corporate innovator, engaged in fields such as 5G, data analytics and immersive technologies. He is also co-founder of Sound of Art, an Asian art platform promoting faith-inspired art and visual culture. 

He is a keen observer of faith and its role in society, having co-authored Unfolding His Story, a 2015 book documenting the Charismatic Christian revival in Singapore of the 1970-80s and its impact on the nation. As we move deeper into the 21st century, he believes that Singapore again has a critical role to play as a global broker and incubator for new and radical models of doing business with love, grace and honour. 

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